Home & School

What is the Home and School Committee?

The CHCS Home and School Committee consists of parents, guardians, and church members from our school, community, and constituent churches. Our mission is to support CHCS staff in providing a quality Christian education by fostering a strong, supportive environment to help build relationships within our school community.

Our Relationship with the School and Community

The committee supports the school by promoting strong relationships that enhances the educational and spiritual development of our students. Together, we aim to support a well-rounded Christian education.

How Can Parents Get Involved?

  1. Volunteer Your Time: Assist at events or with activities.
  2. Participate in Fundraising: Help organize or support fundraising efforts.
  3. Attend Meetings and Events: Stay informed and share your ideas.
  4. Support Through Donations: Contribute financially to enhance programs.
  5. Become a Room Parent/Class Rep: Facilitate communication between teachers and parents.
  6. Engage with the Community: Strengthen ties with local businesses and churches.
  7. Join the Committee: Collaborate on planning and initiatives.
  8. Share Your Skills: Use your talents to benefit the school community.

Getting involved with the Home & School Committee builds a vibrant, supportive environment for everyone at CHCS. For more information, please contact any committee member or the school office.

Key Events for 2024-2025 School Year:

  • Seniors Luncheon: Before Christmas break
  • Pie Auction: Spring
  • Hot Lunch: First Tuesday of every month
  • Panago Pizza Fundraisers: Dates to be announced
  • Home & School Committee Meetings: Monthly and will be on official school calendar
  • Home & School Potluck/Family Fun Night: Date to be confirmed
  • Q&A Session: Details coming soon

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