Grade 1 Spelling List

 November 14

short e words
      1. web
      2. led
      3. get
      4. pen
      5. net
      6. tell
      7. deck
      8. then

 November 21

short a words
     1. fan
     2. tap
     3. bat
     4. mad
     5. than
     6. pack
     7. chat
     8. bash

December 5

short i words
    1. fix
    2. tin
    3. him
    4. lip
    5. kick
    6. thin
    7. ring
    8. ship

December 12

short o words
    1. box
    2. got
    3. jog
    4. sob
    5. cot
    6. hop
    7. bop
    8. fog

January 9

short u words
    1. tub
    2. fun
    3. hut
    4. sum
    5. duck
    6. rung
    7. buzz
    8. shut


January 18

th words
    1. that
    2. this
    3. thick
    4. thin
    5. thing
    6. then
    7. them
    8. three

January 16

a__e (long a) words
    1. bake
    2. base
    3. cake
    4. face
    5. cave
    6. case
    7. fade
    8. gate

January 23    

i__e (long i) words  
    1. bike
    2. like
    3. hide
    4. ride
    5. wide
    6. time
    7. hive
    8. side

January 30

o__e (long o) words
    1. note
    2. home
    3. hole
    4. robe
    5. woke
    6. rope
    7. rose
    8. those

 February 6

ch words
    1. chin
    2. chip
    3. chat
    4. check
    5. chess
    6. chick
    7. chill
    8. chuck


February 13

bl, fl, cl blends 
    1. block
    2. flip
    3. class
    4. blog
    5. flat
    6. bled
    7. flap
    8. clan
    9. clock
  10. club

February 27

br, cr, dr blends
    1. brush
    2. brick
    3. bring
    4. crack
    5. cream
    6. crop
    7. cross
    8. dream
    9. drive
  10. drag

March 7

ch, sh, th, ng
    1. chin
    2. chug
    3. such
    4. ship
    5. king
    6. fish
    7. rush
    8. them
    9. moth
  10. hang

March 6

Dolch list 1a
    1. after
    2. any
    3. ask
    4. by
    5. could
    6. every
    7. fly
    8. from
    9. give
  10. going

March 13

Dolch list 1b
    1. her
    2. him
    3. his
    4. how
    5. know
    6. may
    7. of
    8. once
    9. over
  10. put


March 20

Dolch list 1c
    1. round
    2. some
    3. stop
    4. take
    5. thank
    6. them
    7. think
    8. walk
    9. were
  10. when

April 3

nk final blends
    1. bunk
    2. honk
    3. pink
    4. dunk
    5. link
    6. sank
    7. sunk
    8. thank
    9. think
  10. wink

April 10

ng words
    1. long
    2. bang
    3. fang
    4. bring
    5. cling
    6. fling
    7. hang
    8. king
    9. sing
  10. swing

April 17

ai words
    1. bail
    2. hail
    3. fail
    4. jail
    5. laid
    6. raid
    7. paid
    8. rail
    9. sail
  10. nail

May 1

Fry's list 1
    1. a
    2. about
    3. all
    4. an
    5. and
    6. are
    7. as
    8. at
    9. be
  10. been


May 8

Fry's list 2
    1. each
    2. find
    3. first
    4. for
    5. from
    6. get
    7. go
    8. had
    9. has
  10. have

May 15

Fry's list 3
    1. it
    2. like
    3. long
    4. look
    5. made
    6. make
    7. many
    8. may
    9. more
  10. my

May 29  

Fry's list 4
    1. out
    2. part
    3. people
    4. said
    5. see
    6. she
    7. sit
    8. so
    9. some
  10. than

June 5

Fry's list 5
    1. when
    2. which
    3. who
    4. will
    5. with
    6. words
    7. would
    8. write
    9. you
  10. your

June 12

  1. grandma
  2. grandpa
  3. Mrs.
  4. Mr.
  5. can't
  6. it's
  7. I'm
  8. don't
  9. he's
  10. she's


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