List 1short a wordssad man bat hat lap tap plan bran flat trap that flag |
List 2short e wordsfed egg fell gel led beg den bled leg deck fret shed |
List 3short i wordstip win big chin slip twin spin brick spit skip trip grin |
List 4short o wordshop jog box log block boss chop clock crop frog shop sock |
List 5Short u wordshut cut bug dug rug run slug shrug plus shut spun drum |
List 6Add scells coins groups months nails footsteps tables humans layers mammals members monkeys |
List 7a_ebake bale base cake came face cave case fade gate snake tape |
List 8o_eowe those woke hope chose note alone awoke broke drove bone cone |
List 9u_erude cube tube tune cute fuse June prune mute flute dune accuse |
List 10e_ethese scene theme delete even obese fever athlete genes extreme complete here |
List 11final chsuch crunch munch pinch touch bench which bunch wrench scrunch clench quench |
List 12final shcash dash wish dish flash rush hush smash flush brush fresh wash |
List 13th wordsthan that this thick thin thing then thud thug them there think |
List 14irregular pluralstooth teeth mouse mice child children person people goose geese woman women |
List 15er
service germ observe jerk thermal perfect perfume certain desert expert serve percent |
List 16orwork word worm world worth worse worship fireworks homework worksheet worst silkworm |
List 17irdirt first third stir whirl circle circus shirt skirt birthday swirl twirl |
List 18ursurf curl burp burn turf hurt burst church purple Thursday turn urban |
List 19orfor short born horse sport thorn north story storm morning porch torch |
List 20ighhigh night right fight sight tight might flight bright delight slight tonight |
List 21ootook shook wool stood hooray crooked bookmark cooked looked unhook wood hood |
List 22compound wordsanymore anyone barcode beanbag beehive birthday blindfold breakfast bulldog eyelash footprint herself |
List 23apostrophescat's bird's boy's girl's dog's Ava's baby's coach's friend's Max's tiger's uncle's |
List 24c saying schoice fancy cents race city circle once cycle concert notice decide pencil |
List 25j saying jjoin jump jail major jungle June junk July injure enjoy juice jacket |
List 26g saying jgem giant germ magic gym danger giraffe digit angel digest genes gentle |
List 27wr wordswrist write wren wrecked wreck wriggle wrong wring wreath writer wrestle wrinkle |
List 28y making long i soundwhy dry sky cry fly pry spy fry shy July reply supply |
List 29wh wordswheel whiff whip while wheat whirl whack whale wheeze whisk who where |
List 30oi wordscoins boil joined spoil point toilet avoid boiling choice noisy poison voice |